
Modpack update v1.6

Updated server list Added a little bit of color to the modt A little replacement server is under

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Modpack update v1.5

Updated server modpack map Servermodpack: At the moment every new player is spectator only!

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Modpack update v1.4

Removed Pam’s Harvestcraft - because causing ?some? ?problems? Servermodpack: At the moment every new player is spectator only!

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Modpack update v1.3

Added missing configs Updated Servermodpack map Added CustomNPCs Added Soundfilters Added Pam’s Harvestcraft Added ThutEssentials (partially) Servermodpack: At the moment every new player is spectator only!

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Modpack update v1.2

Added missing configs Added/Completed Servermodpack Faster morphing Servermodpack: At the moment exists a bug in the ranks-config. Guests can edit the world - I’ll fix it ASAP!

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Modpack update v1.1

Bugfixes Included a minimap Included additional configs

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WarriorCats Roleplay

Das WarriorCats-RolePlay-Projekt Ein Modpack um dich in eine echte WarriorCat zu verwandeln. Dieses Modpack sollte auf RolePlay-Servern mit anderen Spielern gespielt werden, also schau auch auf unserem Discord vorbei! Zur Zeit liegt noch keine englische Map-Übersetzung vor.

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