June 2, 2019 08:30
…use a cup of…
…may need to stir it until it is fluffy…
What is a cup?! What do you define as fluffy? And that’s the reason why I started to “program” my recipes. That way I am forced to think step by step and as detailed as I can, so you can exactly reproduce my results just by following the assembly program without knowing the magic terms to describe what ‘clumpy’ means…
The used language is a mix of Javascript
, C++
(inheritance) and Python
(variable handling). Its main goal is just to be readable, not syntaxtically correct. And yes,
sometimes I may use something like pot.content is not cooking
to describe what I mean - the main reason is that I have this expression not yet listed below and it is so
rarely used, that it does not make any sense to do so…
Global Methods
function mix(something...);
function spread(something, target);
function stir(target);
function wait();
Could be a pot, or cake - whatever I need (mostly the name should be clear enough). I can also access arbitrary properties and interact with them. Some common properties are:
something.content //Not to be confound with KitchenTool.content
class KitchenTool {
var content;
//Insert the given stuff into the content
function insert(something...);
class Stove : KitchenTool {
//Heat the target (e.g. a pot) with the throttle (0%-100%)
function heat(target, throttle = 100%);
class Toaster : KitchenTool {
var isToasting;
//Toast the target (e.g. a slice of bread) with the throttle (0-7) - may need to scale it for other Toaster models...
function toast(target, throttle = 3);
class Microwave : KitchenTool {
var isEnabled;
//Microwave the current content (make sure to insert() it before) for the given duration and with the throttle
function enable(duration, throttle = 100%);
class Hand : KitchenTool {
//Crush the object into rough pieces
function crush();